Season, Wind & Weather for Kalpitiya
Number of days per month with 15 kts of more: Wind statistics - data collected over the last 9 years

Summer season
May − September: Strong and persistent SW winds at 20-30kts accompanied and 3−5ft waves on the reef 700 meters off shore. Main kite sizes: 5−10m kites! Due to drifting sand, the sea has a brownish coloring during this season.
During this kitesurf season you find the best wind in Sri Lanka at Kappalady Lagoon where KITECENTER SRI LANKA is based.
Winter season
December − March: light NE side offshore breeze in the mornings, giving the sea its beautiful turquoise color. Ideal for dolphin watching, snorkeling. and scuba diving. Around noon the favorable trade wind is accelerated by thermic effects and a nice kite-able NE wind at 14-18kts results daily in the afternoons. Main kite sizes: 9−14m2.
November and April are the 2 off-season month with unpredictable wind patterns. During that time, the wind direction changes and isnsteady. However, November and April are the time to just come and relax at Elements. Even during the rainy season the rainfall is normally for just about 30-60 min whereas the rest of the day we have nice weather and beautiful, lonely beaches. It is also an ideal time for bird watching, and stand up paddling in Sri Lanka.